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UBS Switzerland AG

Swiss banking visuals

As a Certified UBS Brand Partner, BUERGY created monthly visuals for Swiss social media channels for 5 years.


UBS Switzerland AG

Swiss banking visuals

As a Certified UBS Brand Partner, BUERGY created monthly visuals for Swiss social media channels for 5 years.

Integrating your authentic visual brand strategy in social media is more important than ever for marketers. Between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, almost three billion people are active social media users. So how can you leverage them to your business? The answer is simple – by creating interesting and engaging social media content and valuable infographics.

The designed visuals reflect the brand personality of UBS – optimistic, intelligent, human. Generous white space differentiates and underlines the brand values of UBS – notably also in digital media. For a bank with such a strong brand, every detail of the identity and graphic style needs to be carefully reviewed and applied with the upmost sensibility. BUERGY conceived and adapted various visual works including topic related images and infographics.