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Kanton ZH - Amt für Mobilität

Statistics. Mobility. Zürich.

The Office for Mobility is helping shape the Zurich of tomorrow. To provide the public with information, we have created Statistik.Mobilität, showing the Canton in Numbers.


Kanton ZH - Amt für Mobilität

Statistics. Mobility. Zürich.

The Office for Mobility is helping shape the Zurich of tomorrow. To provide the public with information, we have created Statistik.Mobilität, showing the Canton in Numbers.

The Office for Mobility keeps a close eye on how people and goods move in order to provide strategic planning for all modes of transport in the canton Zürich. This includes developing and continuously improving mobility concepts, as well as supporting sustainable solutions through advisory services and funding programs – with the goal of maximizing the positive effects of mobility while minimizing its negative impacts. 

With the project "Statistik.Mobilität.", we have compiled a comprehensive set of key figures and designed a digital product that takes the exploration of statistical data to a new level.


Credits: Ellektra GmbH - Overall project and creative direction / BUERGY - Creative - and Art Direction, Visual Design concept, UI/UX / Mark Schärer - Print Design, - Technical Development

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